Longbox was built using standard web technologies by me, Rylee Corradini. As a Progressive Web App, you can install it directly to your tablet/phone screen/desktop like a regular app, and it will behave more or less the same as one.
Have you ever found a great blog or webcomic that you'd love to read from the beginning, but its humongous archive feels daunting? Longbox is for you!
Longbox is built for just such large-backlog, serialized web sites (be they webcomics, blogs, fanfic, or whatever). All you need to do is add the site to your reading pile, using the permanent URL for the page you want to start reading from. Then, read the site in the Longbox app, and we'll keep track of your place &emdash; so the next time you fire up the app, you can pick up right where you left off!
Longbox takes the hassle out of catching up.
The original Longbox was built as a Chrome browser extension, and has been adapted to work in a tablet-first paradigm. Most art assets are from SVG Repo or Pixabay; placeholder animation was generated using SVGBackgrounds.com. All were tweaked by me, because SVG is rad that way.